Tuesday 16 September 2014

This is the beginning

Well... where I am at today.

Opened this blog yesterday as a place to show off what i have made.  Still working on the layout, eventually I will find something that I like the look of, and then promptly change it all again a couple of days afterwards, but that would be the perfectionist in me, and also the overwhelming urge that makes me believe that things should not stay the same visually, they should always be evolving and improving, which, means that I rearrange and upgrade things frequently, so, if the page does not look the same 2 days in a row, I apologize (not) and hope you are adaptable enough to get used to it.

As far as 3D modelling goes.

I have had Blender installed on my machines for years, but never took the time to sit down and actually figure out how to USE the damn thing.  Well.  I(deally I want to get into Character animation.  The idea behind it being I want to create a sort of Youtube video series featuring a cast of regulars.

I have script ideas and character outlines in my mind (It's going to be a comedy type show) and I have tried the sort of cheating version of making it, which proved unsuccessful as well as a load of hard work to not be able to achieve the results i wanted.  I tried using Second Life as a means of creating and animating the characters, filming int using Fraps and then editing it up in Sony Vegas, adding dialogue tracks and sound effects as i went.

The problem being, using second life limited me as to what i was actually able to DO with the characters. So. I thought I would have a crack at making my own.

I have found some GREAT tutorials which have helped me learn a hell of a lot about how to use Blender on www.BlenderGuru.com

I'm working my way through a few of those, as well as other tutorials that i am finding as I go along. All of which are proving fun to do, as well as learning my way around the software along the way.

I am still only a week in to using it, and my results are outstanding compared to what I thought i would be able to achieve in this amount of time.  That I must confess is more down to Andrew Price and his tutorials, and of course the awesomeness that is Blender than to me I believe at this point, but... It is a learning process, and I will post you guys my results, good, bad or ugly as I go along.  This has a second purpose too, it will allow me to look back on my early stuff and see just how far i have come along also.

Some of this aint gonna be pretty, and for the time being, please don't ask me "How did you make that?"  coz I'll just shrug my shoulders at you and send you a link to the guide I followed.  I am still on a steep learning curve myself and nowhere NEAR at the point where i feel that I could possibly teach or demonstrate yet.

So. Please check back often, and, Sit back and enjoy the ride!

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