Monday 29 September 2014

New projects and new challenges

Well. as is always the case with blogs, I always forget that i have them, and that I need to update them.  Life has kept me busy, and when it is not life doing so, it has been blender, and my new project.

A small bit of history, When i was using second life a lot, I loved building buildings etc.  Well, I decided that now i am beginning to find my way around blender, that I would recreate my pet project building from Second life in full and glorious 3D.

It has certainly been an education!  Using some stuff I have gained from various tutorials on how to achieve things I have slowly pieced things together.  Right now, I have gotten stuck on a particular piece of the fixtures and fittings (2 articles today. the second will be covering that very issue.

Well. Let me show you what I have got so far.

Still some of the finer work to be done, plus furniture fixtures and fittings although I am not entirely sure it is optimized for what it's final use is going to be, a sound stage of sorts for shooting the animated series in that i was planning. so. I am sure that it will probably result in huge render times for the animations.

I.m still just a beginner so if anyone out there knows their way around blender better and would like to look the build over and see where things can be tweaked so that things render faster and makes the workflow as a whole faster, I would be more than happy to include my most recent version of the blend file for you to scrutinize.  All you need do is send me a comment or an email and I'll get it to you for you to look over in horror at all of my mistakes!

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